Submitting Survey results to the Google Drive

Anyone know how to do this? What do you have to do on the Google end first? Then what URL do I put in the course in the Submit area? What do I get on the drive when submitted?

Discussion (1)

There is some info here:

It took me a bit to get it working at all, and it's not doing everything I want. When using the template, the questions appear to get picked up in the order they appear in the title. For instance, if there are 2 questions on 1 page, whatever one is listed first in the title sidebar will appear first in the spreadsheet. This worked well for me on a survey, but for tests I'm having trouble with getting the score to appear. It doesn't appear to be an option, but maybe this will be fixed. I also would like to find a way to send server info as well (user name, email address, browser info).

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