Ideas for Games

Also have a tic-tac-toe game that works correctly, using randomized questions and custom per-question feedback. So you can explain the correct answer instead of just saying Correct/Incorrect. And its built completely in Lectora (won't be doing that again!! LOL)

Crosswords work too, but those need to be completely customized for each one, although there are online sites that you can use to create the blocks. The logic in getting the correct/incorrect input and scoring would have to be done on a per-game level. I have done about 5 of these, and they are were big hits. Need to add in some graphic "fun" elements to the games to make them more inticing, as well as SFX. I always like the retro '50's look of graphics. Some of those get guffaws just by looking at them in a 21st century context.

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