Inheritance "property"

I have been thinking about this myself. Right now inheritance of an object is decided at the target object level.....the page, section or chapter......what if inheritance was also decided at the object level of the object to be inherited (your graphic banner for example)? So for example, a new property of your graphic object could be created that brings up a series of checkboxes with all the pages, sections, and chapters could then check the destination objects (pages, sections, chapters) you wanted to have inherit the graphic object. I just don't know how difficult that would be to create...and if you have a lot of destination objects it could get very messy and long, but it is an interesting idea....and far easier to develop a course with instead of going into each destination object and including or excluding inheritance.I have been thinking about this myself. Right now inheritance of an object is decided at the target object level.....the page, section or chapter......what if inheritance was also decided at the object level of the object to be inherited (your graphic banner for example)? So for example, a new property of your graphic object could be created that brings up a series of checkboxes with all the pages, sections, and chapters could then check the destination objects (pages, sections, chapters) you wanted to have inherit the graphic object. I just don't know how difficult that would be to create...and if you have a lot of destination objects it could get very messy and long, but it is an interesting idea....and far easier to develop a course with instead of going into each destination object and including or excluding inheritance.

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