"Paste As" default Preference

Well I learn something every day!!! I did not know that paste as worked for graphics. I tried it and have now saved myself some time going thru Fireworks to create .gifs. (PowerPoint did a sorry job on them.)Now, back to your question. No, the dialog box is even more trouble. The main use of paste as for me is for text coming from lots of different sources. So, I would like a tab under preferences to set the default for pasting text to unformatted. So now when I use Ctrl-V, it does a paste unformatted instead of a paste formatted.You might have one for graphics too. Don't know about other objects. Leave the current right-click the same as it is now. That is just fine. Naming the pasted object:In the case of graphics (and possibly others) it would be very very helpful if we had a chance to specify the image name of the object when pasting. I use naming conventions for my objects so I can find them when referencing them elsewhere in the title . I don't care about Lectora shapes, but I do care about diagrams, etc. that I paste in. So instead of saving the object as Image 1.gif in the Images folder, ask me if I want to give it a name. thanks,ben

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