What causes "Unable to find API adapter"?

We have one location that is getting these messages in one course. We have many other courses that all work fine and other locations have no trouble with this course. Any ideas?

Unable to find an API adapter

they click okay

***Another popup appears:

Unable to locate the LMS's API implementation

Discussion (15)

Any updates on this? We've just started seeing this ourselves.



We are experiencing a similar issue with our Lectora CBT created in version X in LMS SCORM 1.2 env.

The CBT incorporates a quiz question with an immediate “Correct” or “Incorrect” answer.The correct answer works fine. It’s the Wrong answer that we are directing the learner immediately to a “Show Page” that shows correct answers that we are experiencing the - “Unable to find an API adapter”, followed by “Unable to locate the LMS’s API Implementation . LMSintitalize was not successful.”

I have dis-inherited all the SCORM related variables from the Show Page with correct answers, and the error still persists. Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated.

When the LMS is setup with a reverse proxy which consumes a bunch of the initial characters in the URL/path not using the ASCII short name will cause this error when the package is loaded. When I publish for SCORM I select the Short ASCII name feature so the course if loaded deep on a server will not lose the page relationships to one another.

On occasion the publish wonks and let's one or two long named files into the .zip package. I delete all of the published files in the SCORM/HTML folder, double check I have the short ASCII checkbox enabled, and repackage. I double check the files in the package don't have any A001_really long name reference, and then load to LMS. Usually fixes the problem.

I have also had it occur at the end if I used the wrong case or complete value. I have to remember our LMS is completed, and incomplete all lowercase no deviations.

We have just sent our course into Trivantis. We are trying to upload a course to our LMS and are receiving the same errors. Unable to find API adapter and unable to locate the LMS's API Implementation. LMSGetValue was not successful. We are now on version 11.3.2 (9293)

Three of us have tried and no success.

The API error means one thing: your SCORM course is trying to talk to LMS but it doesn't answer. If your Lectora content plays in SCORM Cloud and doesn't play in your LMS, you should blame your LMS.

Are you sure you uploaded it to your LMS and set everything up correctly? Are SCORM versions (1.2 vs 2004) matching?


Is there a solution to this?

We have the same problem and the only solution we can do is when we upload the course on scorm cloud, we check the Wrap SCO course settings. However, when the client uploads it on their system, they get the same API error. What should we do to fix it?

Ok, now if the API error appears in SCORM Cloud, this means your content doesn't work as SCORM. Are you sure you published it to SCORM and not AICC or something? It's difficult to say much more without actually seeing the content. If you want, you can send it to ss@intea.lv and I'll take a look. Or get in touch with support@trivantis.com, they are very helpful.

@ssneg 60854 wrote:

The API error means one thing: your SCORM course is trying to talk to LMS but it doesn't answer. If your Lectora content plays in SCORM Cloud and doesn't play in your LMS, you should blame your LMS.

Are you sure you uploaded it to your LMS and set everything up correctly? Are SCORM versions (1.2 vs 2004) matching?

Ok. When we upload the course on scorm cloud, the api error appears but when we check the Wrap SCO in the course settings, the error disappears.

Yes the LMS is scorm 1.2.

@ssneg 60862 wrote:

Ok, now if the API error appears in SCORM Cloud, this means your content doesn't work as SCORM. Are you sure you published it to SCORM and not AICC or something? It's difficult to say much more without actually seeing the content. If you want, you can send it to ss@intea.lv and I'll take a look. Or get in touch with support@trivantis.com, they are very helpful.

Ok. I think we found an error. We are putting a code in the scorm package that creates the API error. Thank you for the replies. I really appreciate it. At least I understand what API error means.

Hello Gian - you mention that you found the error in putting a code in the SCORM package - can you elaborate? We are getting the same error message and I cannot figure it out...



Hi Tim,

Thanks for your inquiry. We do get 2 error messages: "Unable to find API Adapter" and "Unable to locate the LMS's API Implementation. LMSGetValue was not successful."

1.) Here's the funny thing about the zip. For our LMS, we do not upload a ZIP file; instead, we must upload the unzipped folder to a Filezilla FTP, and then we link to the a001index.html. But, in my unzipped folder, there is nothing else in there besides the published files.

2.)We do have this option checked in the publishing settings for the course...but how would I know if it matches the way the package is integrated in the LMS?

3.) I'm not familiar with web windows or iframes, so I would have to err on the side of "no". We do have links inside the course to other documents, which open in another window...?

You should upload the course to scorm cloud and see if it works there. If it doesn't work something's wrong with the course. If it works there the problems come from the LMS or from unzipping.


What are the error messages you get? Usually there are more than just the one saying "Unable to find API adapter".

Several reason may be responsible for that:

1. Are you sure you uploaded only the scorm package (zip). Just asking because it happened for me that a client tried to upload the zip I had sent which contained more than just the scorm package so it should have been unzipped to get the "real" scorm zip.

2. Check whether the setting "Open course in a new window" (yes / no) in Lectora matches the way the package is integrated in the LMS. If they don't match it may happen that the course searches for the API adapter in the wrong place.

3. Are you using "Web windows" or other objects to produce iframes or any other kind of frames? The API adapter may not be found if the way through a frameset is too long ("too deeply nested").


Hi Tim - I was able to figure out what went wrong yesterday. I had to select the test in the title explorer left pane, click on the results tab in ribbon at the top of screen, leave the show test results option selected but deselect the use customized test results option. This did the trick!

I just reread scorm.com about the search algorhythm for th e api and it seems it doesn't make a difference whether the settings about opening in a new window match. It will always search in the current window and in the opener window ( if there is one ).



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