Considering Online Lectora Training

Per good instructional design, I am doing a needs analysis before developing the training.I am considering developing some online training for Lectora - Beginner, intermediate, advanced. Now, Trivantis already has some (Lectora Online Training) and many of you have already attended classes. Some of you have not for a variety of reasons. So I have three questions. You can either post your replies here or click the PM button below and send me a Private Message.1. If additional online training were available, what topics would you be interested in? 2. If training on those topics were available, how much would you (or your company) be willing to pay for each 1/2 hour course/lesson?3. At what level are you? - Brand new user (just started using Lectora in the last few months)- Intermediate - been using it fairly heavily for at least 6 months and feel fairly comfortable with the basics but want to do more- Advanced - been using it pretty heavily for a year or moreThanks for taking the time to reply - here or Private Message.

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