Intermediate Lectora

I agree with Laura about javascript. I would love more of that - and Captivate-Lectora. I also would like more creative uses for variables, ex: a page that shows how you've done on all the review questions; how to pull your learner's name from the LMS; and any other creative uses for variables and in general creative ways for e-learning. I love what Michael Allen does with e-learning - how can I do some of the things from his Guide to e-Learning book in Lectora? Just some thoughts.I agree with Laura about javascript. I would love more of that - and Captivate-Lectora. I also would like more creative uses for variables, ex: a page that shows how you've done on all the review questions; how to pull your learner's name from the LMS; and any other creative uses for variables and in general creative ways for e-learning. I love what Michael Allen does with e-learning - how can I do some of the things from his Guide to e-Learning book in Lectora? Just some thoughts.

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