Tips & Tricks Repository

I have consolidated many of the tips and tricks I have learned over the past many months. Most you probably already know most of these. New comers may find this quite helpful. Many I learned from this forum or from replies from Lectora support. I put them all together in one title and published it. Below are the links to the title for online viewing and for downloading the source. Please feel free to use all.Click the link below, then Productivity menu > Web-store direct > search for " toolkit ".Please post here questions, corrections, or suggestions for inclusion. cheers,benKeywords (for people who are searching the forum): popups, changing graphic sizes, progress bar, scrolling text boxes, timer, quick custom buttons, trimming blanks for fill in the blank questions, general warnings, time savers, carriage return, executing JavaScript, Questions, forms.Edited By: Ben Pitman on 2008-10-16 22:58:5

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