Big Time Saver - properties display

None of Microsoft products except Access have much in the way properties boxes. The last version of word finally saved a heap of work by having an area that can display the properties of the text you are working on as soon as you click on it. This is a strip down the right side of the screen that shows all the characteristics of the paragraph.Macromedia's Fireworks and DreamWeaver both use an approach that as soon as you click on something the characteristics show up in a permanent properties box. The format of the box changes depending on what you are working on.We really need something like that. I spend huge amounts of time right clicking to view or change properties - things like position and size, variable name being used, etc. Seems like Lectora could do that for most of the boxes except maybe questions. I am looking right now at the position and size tab. It takes a good 3 inch square box. Fireworks does this in about 1 inch square. This is what it looks like for a simple text box.With this approach you can change everything, font, size, color, location, ... without having to right click and then click on a tab. It is immediately visible as soon as you click on the object.Something like this would GREATLY !benEdited By: bpitman on 2005-12-16 10:21:53

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