2007 Unstable

I am having a lot of problems with 2007. In a 10 page title, it has blown off about a dozen times today at different points:- double clicking on words in a text block- trying to export as a zip- trying to publish- adding objects to a pageothers I can remember.All this on different pages. I cannot find any pattern. The last time it completely trashed the file. I could not even open it up. I had to go back to yesterday's backup. Now this is the first time I have had such trouble. I have been working with 2007 quite a bit since I got it about a month ago. This is the first title that has given me this kind of trouble.I made a big mistake and turned off my every 10 minute backup on Friday because I was working on another project. BAD MISTAKE. I have turned it back on and set it to every 5 minutes.So, buy yourself a copy of WinZip and set it up to automatically copy all the .awt files in your working folders every 5 or 10 minutes.Edited By: bpitman on 2007-1-28 18:38:52

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