Question Improvements

Custom Feedback PageRight now the feedback page appears right in the middle of the screen as big as life!. Frequently this covers up part of the question or the choices which throws one more obstacle in the way of the learner.It would be nice if the feedback pages had the same options that were available on a Go To page option. Specifically the ability to specify:1. A specific object on the target page2. Window size3. Screen positionIf these were available, one could put the feedback out of the way and have it take up only as much room as it needed. If you do this, it would be even nicer to set defaults for the size and screen position so that the developer did not have to specify these each time they generated a new question.Trim spaces on Fill-in-the-Blank QuestionsI am getting pretty tired of entering special javascript or alternate answers just to accommodate leading or trailing blanks. To the learner the answer looks fine, but the computer detects the blanks and thinks it has the wrong answer. We need a checkbox to say "Trim leading blank spaces" and one for Trailing blank spaces.thanks,benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-3-4 17:7:25

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