Lectora 11.2/3 blowing off

Lectora 11.2 and 11.3 are blowing off probably 20-30 times an hour now for me. Happens in courses that were fine in X.6. Happens most frequently when I select several objects and go to use one of the alignment or size buttons; When I drag and drop objects from one page to another; when I delete some objects in a group; and today, when I was just changing the text in a Display Msg action. When I restart the title, I can do what I tried to do and it works fine. Then a minute later, wham, gone again. This is happening on two machines, one with XP and one with Windows 7. Sometimes I get the window that lets me report the problem but probably 2/3 of the time, it just blows off. Lectora 11.3 was installed after removing previous version and then using the single install.

Is anyone else having problems like this?

Discussion (4)

@benpitman 58462 wrote:

Lectora 11.2 and 11.3 are blowing off probably 20-30 times an hour now for me. Happens in courses that were fine in X.6. Happens most frequently when I select several objects and go to use one of the alignment or size buttons; When I drag and drop objects from one page to another; when I delete some objects in a group; and today, when I was just changing the text in a Display Msg action. When I restart the title, I can do what I tried to do and it works fine. Then a minute later, wham, gone again. This is happening on two machines, one with XP and one with Windows 7. Sometimes I get the window that lets me report the problem but probably 2/3 of the time, it just blows off. Lectora 11.3 was installed after removing previous version and then using the single install.

Is anyone else having problems like this?

Wow, never ever heard of a software crashing 20-30 times an hour. I would of given up after 3-4 times in an hour and call support. With your influence with Trivantis, you probably have a direct number there...

Perhaps you can put on the Batman Spotlight or the big X in the window like in the X Files :)

Let us know what the issue was so we can avoid it.

This doesn't happen so often to me. It's annoying when it does crash, but not sure why it would be doing this so often. Does this happen with any courses created solely in the version you currently have?

Not having this problem of Lectora crashing so frequently. I have the latest version and it does crash occasionally, but no that often. I'm running it on a Windows 7 machine (also keeping Windows up to date). The most annoying problem I'm having with the latest version of Lectora is that my mouse seems to become too sensitive at times in Lectora and either injects clicks when not wanted or makes it harder to perform other tasks.

Hi there,

I've noticed that this happens in org to Windows 7 users when they create a new Lectora 11 course... seen LOTS of bizarre errors from Virtual system memory to what I think is blowing off (never heard that one before but it's an apt description!).

The issue seems to arise if a Windows 7 user did not use Install as Admin or Run as Admin when installing Lectora 11. Also it appears (emphasis on appears!) that if you don't run the .exe as admin you will not receive the Auto Updates for the patches / updates that come with the install.

I installed 11 with the Windows Admin user and got the prompt to install the first group of patches - however that group did not include all the installs I needed, and Lectora didn't notify me of any updates when I manually checked for them via the application.

Here is the link to the patches: http://lectora.com/e-learning-software-downloads/lectora-publisher/

Another Windows 7 type quirk I've seen is some issues that have to do with writing between the C: drive and the user profile folder. Usually you'll get an error message that says you don't have access - but I wouldn't put it past Lectora to also just give up and close. I think it has to do with virtual memory and the amount of "stuff" that's going in to the temp directory. Stack that on top of things like Captivate and SnagIt and a computer can come close to a human like mental over load :)

Hope this helps!

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