Auto Text Block Resize

I spend a great deal of time resizing my text blocks vertically to get them to be the right size - not too short or too long. When you enter text for the first time, it expands as it should. But if you change the font size or paste in a lot of text, it does not adjust fully. Many of my text boxes have shading (light yellow or blue) and when I take text out, the box is too long. So I have to shorten it a good deal. If I miss the right size, I have to adjust again. I have taken to making it one line too short and then doubleclicking in the box. It now expands as needed. I really shouldn't have to do any of this. Just make the text boxes expand to the right size.I spend a great deal of time resizing my text blocks vertically to get them to be the right size - not too short or too long. When you enter text for the first time, it expands as it should. But if you change the font size or paste in a lot of text, it does not adjust fully. Many of my text boxes have shading (light yellow or blue) and when I take text out, the box is too long. So I have to shorten it a good deal. If I miss the right size, I have to adjust again. I have taken to making it one line too short and then doubleclicking in the box. It now expands as needed. I really shouldn't have to do any of this. Just make the text boxes expand to the right size.

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