On Mouse Enter /Exit Tab

For buttons and menus you have an On Click tab to specify all kinds of stuff but I keep having to add an action for On Mouse Enter - the second most common action. Worse yet, you can't even do it for Menus! Be very helpful, especially for menus, to another tab where we can specify Mouse Enter and Mouse Exit actions. You already highlight the button when the mouse enters and leaves. Seems like it would be pretty easy to add these. Thanks.For buttons and menus you have an On Click tab to specify all kinds of stuff but I keep having to add an action for On Mouse Enter - the second most common action. Worse yet, you can't even do it for Menus! Be very helpful, especially for menus, to another tab where we can specify Mouse Enter and Mouse Exit actions. You already highlight the button when the mouse enters and leaves. Seems like it would be pretty easy to add these. Thanks.

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