Problems with Lectora 11.3.1 and 11.3.2

I am having these problems on several computers with Windows XP and Windows 8 and would like to determeine others are having similar problems. If no one is, then I need to rebuild these machines.

  1. Page numbering in Run/Preview mode in courses with multiple chapters and sections is all over the board. Using Page and Pages InChapter, I get things like Page 76 of 44 or on the third page Page 33 of 12.Works fine in HTML
  2. Actions checking the status tracking in a condition are showing that the page is complete in Run/Preview mode when the page first loads. Works fine in HTML.
  3. Lectora blows off randomly when I try to align items, usually at the title or chapter level. After several tries, I have to switch to my Windows 8 machine and it is fine.
  4. The Process Test action causes some kind of a problem in IE11. When I get to that page, none of the inherited objects appear, just the stuff on the page and the background. Works fine in Run/Preview and in IE 8 and 10.
  5. I unchecked Retain Status tracking on the Design tab. It is not retained as it should be when I publish to HTML, BUT it IS retained when I Preview in Browser.

Discussion (7)

I have the similar problem with Retaining Quiz Values between sessions. I had the global setting for the quiz itself checked to enable. If I selected the question itself it would show it checked in the ribbon. However if I clicked "Edit Question" and looked in the "Question Creator" window, it would not be enabled. I had to manually enable it for all of them. This resolved the issue. They is clearly a bug in Lectora 11.3.2 since the global setting is not propagating into each question.

Then this should be reported to Trivantis.

I tested it with all of them checked and I still have the same issue.

If a users takes a quiz and ends the session halfway through, when they return and finish it does not remember the first half and they score 50% instead of 100%. I have tested it myself and republished a few times.

That setting never did check all the values on the questions. It just retained them. Kind of like setting a group visibility or transition. It does it there but does not show it on the things in the group. Same for this on a test. It should have retained them.

Hi Ben,

I'd like to retain the status tracking of pages and chapters between sessions, so when you say:

"I unchecked Retain Status tracking on the Design tab. It is not retained as it should be when I publish to HTML, BUT it IS retained when I Preview in Browser."

Are you referring to retain the title's overall completion status under title option, or is there somewhere where I cab specify to retain status tracking?


I am talking about the status tracking capability in Lectora. It uses hidden variables. So, if you want to retain it between sessions, you should check that box.

Re: exiting in the middle of a test, many of our clients have us include instructions prior to the test telling the user to not exit in the middle of the test it may not score correctly. We disinherit all navigation buttons in the test question pages except Next (and Back if client allows student to review previous questions).

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