4K cookie limit & multiple titles

Each browser stores cookies on your machine differently. Internet Explorer (IE) has a folder Cookies where cookies are kept as small individual text files, one for each domain. Each text file will contain all of the cookies for that domain. The naming scheme may vary depending on your version of IE and OS. On Win XP, it appears to be [username]@domain.txt.Netscape and Mozilla related browsers actually use a single text file, cookies.txt, with each cookie occupying one or more lines within this one file.Lectora may create multiple cookies per title, if necessary. It calls each cookie LectoraPermCookie_nameoftitleX ... where X starts at 1 and can go up to 20. If the 4k limit is exceeded, it then creates additional cookies.There is a bug in the IE browser, that causes the cookie data to be erased if the 4k limit is reached. Although a website is supposed to be allowed up to 20 cookies, each having a separate 4k limit, the IE browser does not conform to this standard. Here is some information from Microsoft's site on the issue. URL: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;3060 70"Microsoft HTML wrongly assumes that you are looking for a single cookie and that the size of the cookie cannot be greater than 4,096 bytes. The document.cookie property must be able to retrieve 20 cookies of 4,096 bytes each for Internet Explorer to be RFC compliant. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/820536/"

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