Intermediate Lectora

My book is nearing completion. I am looking for someone who has time to review it next week - an editor/proofer of sorts. If you are interested, know that the book is 100 pages long with lots of screen snaps so not terribly dense in terms of text. It does come with an example file showing all the 50 techniques explained in the book. It will not cover Flash or Captivate as I do not work with those. It may have a little on audio or video depending on what I can do. I need the reviewer to:- check for the usual spelling/grammar issues- look for things that were not explained very well- make sure the examples in the accompanying title workObviously you get a free copy of this book. It has a wealth of interactions and covers advanced actions, groups, variables, question feedback techniques, and using questions for other purposes plus a few other things. Requirements1. This is an intermediate book so you need to have some experience already with Lectora. 2. You also need to be able to use MS Word's Reviewing toolbar.3. The review needs to be completed in one week so I have time to apply the changes. 4. During that week, I want partial reviews sent so I can be assured we are on the same page. 5. I will need to be able to contact you by phone to ask questions which always come up.I only need one reviewer. If you are interested, please send an email to Include how much experience you have with Lectora and your phone number with good times to call.

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