Video vents not working

I'm having similar (or may be a little different) issues while playing videos (WMV) from LMS (Mzinga/KnowledgePlanet 7.0). I'm using Lectora 2008 SP2 (5609 build) to create and publish the courses. The videos work just fine when published to HTML and run from the browser on my desktop. As soon the it's published to SCORM and loaded to the LMS, the videos would not (WMV) play. Surprisingly, they work fine when accessed from Vista PCs. After digging deep into what is causing the problem, I came to know that Lectora 2008 converts the code to the following when published (replacing the .wmv with %2Ewmv) which only Vista can understand but not Windows XP. Can the Doctor or Trivantis look into this and help resolve the issue?window.location.href='Test_Video%2Ewmv';

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