More Ruler Units

Finally an easy one. Options to display the ruler units, guides, position, size in inches or centimeters. Why? So I can easily create a PowerPoint presentation that is lined up where I want it after I run it thru the integrator. I spend a good deal of time lining up PowerPoint presentations for a pass thru the integrator. The hardest part is converting inches to points. Yes, I have a spreadsheet but it is still a pain. Be a lot easier if I knew where to put things in PowerPoint so that when I ran them thru the integrator they ended up where I expected and fit nicely into my already existing presentation (which is the same size as the PowerPoint).Finally an easy one. Options to display the ruler units, guides, position, size in inches or centimeters. Why? So I can easily create a PowerPoint presentation that is lined up where I want it after I run it thru the integrator. I spend a good deal of time lining up PowerPoint presentations for a pass thru the integrator. The hardest part is converting inches to points. Yes, I have a spreadsheet but it is still a pain. Be a lot easier if I knew where to put things in PowerPoint so that when I ran them thru the integrator they ended up where I expected and fit nicely into my already existing presentation (which is the same size as the PowerPoint).

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