Pasting diagrams from PowerPoint

I sent a sample file to a friend who had it. Did not work very well for diagrams drawn with boxes, lines, circles. It translated EACH separate ppt object as a separate object. When finished, I had 6 identical disk images and 6 of several other items. Lines did not match up very well with objects. They were separate items in Lectora so if I moved one I would mess up the diagram. Yes, I know I can group them but that is now another step. Easier to work in ppt and then move the entire object as one. The workaround seems to be to draw, copy, paste as bitmap in ppt JUST those objects that have curves. Then use them to build the diagrams. Then copy the diagram and paste into Lectora as WMF. benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-3-20 14:31:32

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