4K cookie limit & multiple titles

I am creating multiple courses (titles) and I have found much to my dismay that the variables I have specified to be retained in each course are kept in the SAME cookie file. The info for the courses are separated so there is no confusion and the courses are working fine so far. But I only have 3 courses up.My concern is that while no single course will exceed the 4K limit, at some point after the student has taken several of the many courses available, the cookie will fill up. How do I get around this limitation?If you don't believe me, open up IE and clear cookies. Then create 2 very simple courses with 1 page and 1 variable that is initialized to some value and the value is retained. Publish them both to HTML and preview them. Then open up the cookies folder and just double click on the cookie you see there with lots of ~~ in it. You should see the name of both titles -- in a single file. Now imagine if there were 20-30 courses with more complex variables....benEdited By: bpitman on 38643.8394097222

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