Need animation suggestions

BenThat is exactly right... They spice things up.I have taught as a full time trainer for years and now as an adjunct at ITT Tech. I am a very dynamic and energetic type A instructor who violates all traditional teaching methods. My students like this... probably more than ITT Tech.I do not have stats, but I do know that I get stopped in stores by my students, sometimes 2 years after I have taught them in class, to thank me for getting them motivated and intrigued; I get phone calls and emails from students when I take quarters off from teaching because they miss me at school.... this I know - that freshness, creativity, and technology (our friend and nemisis) are what get the attention and aggravation of new and old Internet eLearners. What is one mans art is another mans porn. Stats are like bikini's, in that what they show is very enticing, however, what they conceal is very vital. The avatars create humanity to a traditionally stated and regulated stale and dry approach to providing online learning... that is why I use them. But then again, I put students names on the board if they yawn in my class - and if they get three in a night they have to bring in HOME MADE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES to class the next session. I am untraditional and so are the avatars... but I don't think the avatars will appreciate the kudo's like I get from my students, nonetheless; they provide the technology, entertainment, and diversity that I do when I teach...And, that my friend, is why I use and like them. Now, I think you know more about me than the avatars, but I wanted to put them into perspective.If you are interested, and are going to do the SitePal thing anyway, then maybe you could use my referal link below - regardless, they really rock no matter how you get there.Hope this helps again. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to email. I have worked through a lot of circumstances and utilize them a lot.

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