Scenario-based e-Learning Guide Available

Quickly Become an Expert! You get a 53 page guide with EASY step-by-step instructions on how to build powerful engaging courses using scenarios or stories . The learners apply what they are learning instead of just having it thrown at them. Many an instructional designer would love to do this BUT they fear either that it takes tremendous resources or expertise. Neither is so, with the help of this guide. It takes much of the work of the masters (some 4,000 pages from 10 of the major writers combined with a couple of years of my personal experience) and boils it down into a simple step by step approach. Includes a 53 page 8.5 x 11” PDF Guide plus an executable copy of the 2008 conference presentation on the subject to demonstrate some of the design principles. Click the link below, then Productivity menu > Web-store direct > search for " scenario ".Edited By: Ben Pitman on 2008-10-16 22:45:19

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