Inheritance "property"

Don't know whether or not this is possible or not, but could use the option on some items at the title level regarding inheritance.My chapters all begin with a particular page format - a special banner. If I decide to change this just a bit, I have to go into every chapter and make the same change. If I use normal inheritance, I have to go into every section or page that does NOT use these banners and exclude them. I need to be able inherit that banner on the first page and not all the other pages w/o going to all the other pages and changing the inheritance to exclude. Another way to say this is have a check box that says dis-inherit unless specifically inherited.At the beginning of each section I have the same issue. So in a typical course with 6 lessons and 4 topics per lesson, I have 28 pages that need special attention. The way it currently works I have to change ALL the other pages to make these 28 work.(hope that was clear)benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-3-7 8:6:27

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