Tips & Tricks Repository

Be glad to help. First here are some tips for a first time user.1. Let us know what version of Lectora you are using. Help menu > About Lectora. 2. If it has to do with the operating system, LMS, LAN, etc, list those too.3. Explain what did not work and what msgs you got. In your case were you able to down load the file? If not, what msg? If so, where you able to open the zip file? If not, what msg? If so, what msg did Lectora give you when you tried to open it?4. Tell what did work. See #3 plus were you able to open the HTML version and view it? If not, what msg?i.e. This is something like someone calling in and saying, "My car is on fire! Help!" and not telling where they are or how bad it is.The file is for Lectora 2006. :You can download a trial copy of it from the Trivantis web site.If this does not help, send me a personal msg by clicking on the PM button at the bottom of the postings.

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