Popup Window Position & Size

I would like to give the user options as to the location of the popup (top, bottom, left, right) of available screen. Also some users have 800x600 screens while others have 1024x768. In some cases I want to put the popup in a different place depending on how much screen is available. The popup that appears on the right of side of the 800 screen is a couple of inches from the edge when viewed by 1024. If they provide the screen size, I could adjust the pop ups to be farther to the right.I would like to give the user options as to the location of the popup (top, bottom, left, right) of available screen. Also some users have 800x600 screens while others have 1024x768. In some cases I want to put the popup in a different place depending on how much screen is available. The popup that appears on the right of side of the 800 screen is a couple of inches from the edge when viewed by 1024. If they provide the screen size, I could adjust the pop ups to be farther to the right.

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