Integrator: Control output file names

Our SMEs are familiar with PowerPoint, not Lectora. We are using PowerPoint to build our courses and then the developers convert them to Lectora using the Integrator as a start. We have several SMEs each working a PowerPoint presentation. Problem comes with the way the Integrator names its output objects. It seems to always start at 0001. We don't wait till all the presentations are done -- that might take months in some cases, we start as soon as the first one is ready. When we go to convert the second one, the Integrator uses the same names for the objects. Sigh. What we need is an Advanced button that opens a panel/dialog box where we can control the naming of objects. Here is one idea with entry boxes shown with [ ]. I show an example below with default values. EMF Images: Prefix: [ image ] Start at: [ 0001 ] cheers, benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-5-11 12:2:11

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