Need suggestion for Low-cost/low end LMS

Ben,It was really a bit less intuitive both. Moodle seems geared towards an ongoing class. For example, a 6 week history class with assignments and discussions given each week. It actually does quite a bit, but I think it requires quite a bit more PHP and coding knowledge than Coursemill seems to need. Coursemill, for example, uses Lectora to create it's interface. I don't have my Coursemill installed yet as it literally arrived yesterday, but everything i read and tested was much easier to do in Coursemill.That said, if your client is tech savvy and willing to either spend the time adapting Moodle to his needs or his needs to Moodle, it has the benefit of being free and the benefit of being open source, so that he can customize.Additionally, I was buying Trivantis and their quality of support almost as much as I was the Coursemill product. That holds a tremendous value for me.PerryEdited By: Perry on 2006-10-5 8:45:12

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