Keeping a pop-up window on top

I am looking for a way to keep a pop-up window on top when the learner clicks back on the originating window. Any ideas?Here's the application. I want to have an activity where the learner is presented with questions in the main window. I want the case study opened up automatically in a new window and put on the left 200px of the screen. I want this so the learner can make use of the scroll bar in the pop-up window to read various parts of the case. That I can do. Now comes the hard part. As soon as the learner clicks on the main window to enter their answer, the case study, goes behind the main (originating) window. Is there some way I can keep it on top?The onBlur="window.focus()" keeps it on top but also keeps it active and the question window is inactive. I want the question window active and the pop-up inactive but on top. The only example I have of this does not involve the IE browser. When you bring up the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl Alt Del) it stays on top but is not active if you click on another application.thanks,ben

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