Need button generator enhancements

Lectora buttons are limited in 2 ways:1. the text buttons use only the different color text for mouse over. I need some other way to highlight the button on mouse over other than just changing the text color. I want ones that change the button background color like you find in the Lectora toolbars. 2. I want graphic buttons of different shapes - octgons (for stop), triange for caution, ... Simple graphics - not pictures. I would like to be able to chose how it is highlighted on mouse over - change background if any, change button (graphic) color.Inexpensive and easy to use tool. I know you can do this with Flash and also with Fireworks. (I don't use these tools a lot.) I have both and building buttons in them like this is more effort than I want. I want something more like the button wizard Lectora has but with the options in 1 and 2 above.Thanks for any suggestions.Edited By: bpitman on 2006-10-15 17:45:48

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