Password Protected Chapters

K M Baker asked under another topic, "Is it possible to have password protected chapters within a project?"I don't see that function built in to Lectora 5 but it is fairly easy to do. My solution below is for only one password for all users. It does not allow each user to set their own password. It asks the learner for the password on the first page of the chapter. The learner enters and clicks the Next page button. If wrong, they are told. If you want to allow 3 tries, look up Custom Feedback in this forum and modify the below solution accordingly.Also, if you are using a table of contents to the whole title and the learner jumps to the middle of the password protected chapter, it checks to see if the password had been entered correctly before. If not, it moves immediately to the first page of the chapter and asks for the password.ONE SOLUTION:1. The first page of the chapter asks for a password. You can use a fill in the blank question for this. Set up the Feedback for incorrect answer to tell them they got the wrong password. Note the "Associated variable name" on the first page panel of the question wizard. You can change that to anything you want. For this discussion, let's change it to "PW_for_Chapt_X". 2. Add an action at the Chapter level"


On: Show Action: GoTo Target: Chapter, Section, or Page Name: (select the chapter name)

On the Condition tab:


Variable: PW_for_Chapt_X Relationship: Is Correct.

3. On the first page of the chapter where you ask for the password, exclude from inheritance the action in 2. Otherwise the course will be in a loop.Please post questions or problems here.cheers,benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-1-11 7:38:40

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