Captivate to Lectora

Hello All,This is actually a bit of a tricky fix but I recently had to do it for a course. 1) Export the captivate file to Flash 8+ (I used CS3) 2) Once the file is in Flash you have to add actionscript calls to javascript functions. import flash.external.*;"myFunction", "myVar");That will call the javascript functions, but the big problem comes when Lectora exports the course to html. The newly embedded flash object needs some new code placed in the html so that flash is ALLOWED to access the functions. Normally Lectora only outputs this to embed the flash file: anim5897.addParm( "" )anim5897.addParm( " " )However that doesnt totally work for flash to js calls. What you need is:anim5897.addParm( "" )anim5897.addParm( "" )anim5897.addParm( "" )anim5897.addParm( "")anim5897.addParm( "")anim5897.addParm( "")anim5897.addParm( "" )anim5897.addParm( " " )anim5897.addParm( " " )Having the object code along with the parameters encasing the embed code takes care of the script access issues, thus allowing the flash (captivate) file to talk to the html & js (lectora) So to sum up, you really need to have flash so that you can add the actionscript code to the captivate file, then once you do that and the flash embed fix, you're pretty well on your way. :-)

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