How do I put a < in a menu?

bpitman wrote:

I tried several of those code things and it had a strange side effect. It made the entry in the menu wider - it must be counting those characters as part of the string and allowing for them even though they don't show. Egads! You're right! It has an interesting effect, but I'm sure it's not at all what you want.Personally, I think the space between the "<" and "Previous" looks better anyway. I also played around and was able to get "<==Previous" to work fine. Could be another suggestion for Trivantis to consider "<" only an HTML code if it has an accompanying ">".Better yet, it treats it as HTML code only if it returns a legitimate HTML object. If it doesn't, then it displays it simply as text. For example, one may want to have a menu item of, "When to use " or some such.And sizing the object for code would be handy too. KevinI'm just happy I was able to do more than just ask a question *grin*

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