"Resize tool button"

I have spent the better part the last two weeks adjusting many courses to fit in 800x600 screen size. One of the most time consuming chores was adjusting the many many diagrams and screen shots created in PowerPoint. The problem comes when the object is used in more than one place so I can't just delete the old one from the page and paste in a new one. When I save the new SLIGHTLY SMALLER drawing or screen shot from PowerPoint or a drawing tool, if I am on a page with the object and have it selected, it seems to adjust its size just fine - i.e. Lectora makes the current image a little smaller. HOWEVER, on the other pages where the same object is used, Lectora did not change the size - and it probably shouldn't because sometimes you stretch the object to fit the space and you don't want Lectora resizing it. But now, to resize the object on the page, I have to open properties, select some other object, close up, open properties again, reselect the proper object, and close. Then, and only then, does Lectora shrink the current view of the object so it fits in a smaller space. What I need is a button or something so I can click on the object and have it adjust to the native size on disk. It might be even better to have a property that says automatic resize if checked. If you do this, be sure to make it a Preference for all new objects so if most of one's objects are to be automatically resized, then that is the default. Another person may almost never want to use the feature so their system should default to NOT automatically resize.

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