Using Lectora Alone to Create Interactive Video?
September 27, 2016 12:00 AM
I know there are great tools for creating interactive video (like BranchTrak), but has anyone ever created an interactive scenario-type video learning module using just Lectora (and, of course, pre-recorded video files)? I've created interactive scenarios in Lectora before using images and text, but I'm specifically looking into whether I can use it to do video "choose-your-own-adventure"-style scenarios, like a mock sales call.
Discussion (6)
There would definitely be some feeling of interruption as you go to another page, it loads, then it loads the player, then it preloads the video, then it starts playing. And on mobile devices, there would be no autoplay (not yet.. coming to Lectora real soon). So here's a trick: put both the "question" video and the "consequence" videos on the same page, and when learner makes a choice, hide the question video and show one of the consequence videos. This should be much smoother. And then you can jump to the next page and it won't feel like such an interruption to the learner.
Thanks, Lazaro! I get how to set up actions for it and such...I guess what I was wondering was how smoothly it would run -- how much you could make it feel like you were staying in the video as you were making your choices (if you know what I mean).
Thanks again, though, for taking the time to respond and to even include a screen capture! :)
Hi Laura,
This is not hard at all to do in Lectora. What would control it? Is it based on a question on the page?
You can set different actions. You can tell the next button to go to a specific page depending on the answer to the question.
The easiest way is to use multiple choice questions and you can set an action up directly to the radio button. This way any answer chosen can link directly to a specific page.

Yes. I didn't realize you wanted it on the same page. I thought you wanted the pages to change based on choices.
Like Sergey said, best way it to keep them on the same page.
You can show one video and hide the old on, you can use a change contents command and change the content of the video to a different video.
Another option is to have actions that pause the video at certain spots, and then depending on their answer, you can use JavaScript to Jump to a certain time on a video. So the video can be longer, and the correct answer section of the video could be at 1 minute and the wrong answer could be at 2 minutes 40 seconds. You can then have a button jump to a time in the video.
Not sure how I missed your response when you made it over a month ago, but thanks, Lazaro! You've given me some really good food for thought here! :)
How do you create a button to go to different time of the video with Action or Javascript?
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