Case Sensitivity in Conditions

It would be really helpful if one could specify whether the user's response (in, say, a text input field) needs to be case sensitive. In setting up action conditions to test for a correct answer, I find I have to type every conceivable variation of upper and lower case (e.g.; "net cash value" and "Net Cash Value" and "Net cash value" and "NET CASH VALUE") to ensure that the program recognizes a correct answer properly (since case doesn't matter in these questions). However, since I can imagine times when the case of the user's input *does* matter, so it would be nice if the author could specify whether Lectora should check for correct case or not.It would be really helpful if one could specify whether the user's response (in, say, a text input field) needs to be case sensitive. In setting up action conditions to test for a correct answer, I find I have to type every conceivable variation of upper and lower case (e.g.; "net cash value" and "Net Cash Value" and "Net cash value" and "NET CASH VALUE") to ensure that the program recognizes a correct answer properly (since case doesn't matter in these questions). However, since I can imagine times when the case of the user's input *does* matter, so it would be nice if the author could specify whether Lectora should check for correct case or not.

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