Changing Radio Button Size

I'm revising a Lectora course created by someone else. One of the things I've done is to change the default tiny font size he had used in the gazillions of text boxes to one of two different larger font sizes, depending on the type of content, etc.I'm now modifying a True/Flase question page and the radio buttons are tiny. I think I figured out that the size of the button is based on the default font size, so I decided to fix the size of the radio buttons by changing the default font size. Next thing I knew, Lectora was going through and making the text in all of the text boxes in the whole file that size -- Yikes! Since I didn't want them all the same size (nor was I prepared to go back and fix all of those pages), I closed the file without saving it to undo the change. So now I'm back with my original can I change the size of the radio buttons in the question object(and, on another quiz page, the size of the check boxes) *without* mucking up the rest of the course?Any help, especially any really fast help, would be greatly appreciated!!

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