Time for a Northeast LUC!

I'd really like to see next year's LUC be somewhere in the Northeast...I think we're the one area of the country that's been totally neglected so far! Who's with me on this? :)

Discussion (10)

Math - Didn't Trivantis used to do that in the past? Or maybe I'm confusing the LUC with one of the eLearning Guild conferences...

Thanks, Jennifer! I know that Daryl said he's also looking into it...I figure if I mention it in enough places and to enough people, maybe it will happen, lol! :D

A European LUC wouldnt be bad either ;-)

I've passed along your suggestion to the team making decisions about next years LUC :)

Lol, Sergey - I can understand why you might not know this, but Cincinnati is NOT in the Northeast (or at least not what I mean when I say Northeast)! I meant on the East Coast - in one of the New England or Mid-Atlantic states. (I think they've already done the LUC in Cinci once or twice before, too.) But I support an additional LUC in Europe (even though I'd never be able to go)...seems only fair!

I looked at the US map and considered Ohio to be reasonably North and reasonably East :) But I see how New England wouldn't view that as Northeast :) BTW, I just came back from Boston, lovely city and probably a great LUC destination.

I strongly support both ideas! E.g. an LUC in Cincinnati! And definitely a EU-LUC, too!

So, they just announced that the 2017 conference will be in Ohio (didn't they do one there already in the past?)....*so* disappointed...really thought a conference in the Northeast was WAY overdue and this would be our year. And, since I can't fly with my current disability, this will be another conference I'll have to miss. Very sad. :(

Oh, I'm sure it will be wonderful, and knowing that it will be the "biggest and best LUC yet" only makes me feel worse! :(

Guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for a Northeast LUC 2018.....(which is about at least as "central" as 2014's L.A. location ;) ). And, keep in mind that, while we in the Northeast may not be "centrally located" geographically, Boston is known as the "Hub of the Universe," New York is still the center of the financial world, and Washington DC is our country's political center. :D

We’re sorry to hear of your disappointment and we’ll definitely miss you. We chose Cincinnati because it’s a central location in the US and had the top attendance of past LUC locations. Although we haven’t repeated cities recently, it’s not uncommon for us to repeat popular locations.

Our HQ and the conference venue is located right downtown near Fountain Square, walking distance to amazing restaurants, breweries and the Red’s stadium. It’s a 5 minute Uber ride across the Ohio River to Newport, Kentucky which has amazing night life and an aquarium among other attractions.

Because the conference is located in the same city as our HQ we have plans to make this the biggest and best LUC yet with resources available to us that we have not had in previous years due to the destination locations.

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