Form Fields Won't Stop Being on Top!

I have an "Exit Group" (a background bevel graphic with some buttons on top of it that allow the user to choose among closing the course, going back to the module menu, or canceling the exit) that pop up when the user clicks on the Exit button. I've set the items in this group as "Always on Top," so that they will always come up in front of whatever else is on the screen. I've been going through each screen to see what other objects were set to "Always on Top" and deselecting that property on them so that the Exit Group will always appear in front, but I've run into a problem... A couple of my quiz questions were created using drop-down menu form fields (this was before that was an MC question-style option). Those fields were originally set to "Always on Top," so I deseleted that property for them. Everything works fine when I preview in native Lectora, but, when I preview in the browser window, those darned fields are still on top - obscuring that portion of the Exit Group!Does anyone know what the form fields are doing that way in HTML and how I can make them behave themselves? TIA for any help!LauraP.S. Just discovered that my .avi video objects also won't let themselves be "upstaged" in the browser (although, like the form fields, they're happy to be behind the Exit Group when I preview those screens in native Lectora). *sigh*Edited By: Tecocat on 2008-8-11 16:18:10

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