Calculating Using Multiple Variables
March 4, 2009 12:00 AM
Okay, I have to believe there was a more elegant/efficient way to do what I just did...I needed to create a new variable, YardsGained, the value of which is equal to the value of the variable Yardage minus the value of the variable OldYardage.In setting the variable contents of YardsGained, I tried to put the value VAR(Yardage) - VAR(OldYardage) in the Value field, but Lectora said "You have specified an invalid variable name within the title." (BTW, I also tried leaving out the spaces around the minus sign, but, either way, I got the same message.)So, the only solution I could come up with was to create two separate actions. The first action makes YardsGained equal to Yardage and the second action takes YardsGained and subtracts OldYardage from it.I think this will work, but is there a way I could have done this with one action, instead of two?Laura
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