E-Learning, NOT Web-Page Templates!

I would really like it if the Trivantis graphic designers could provide us with more Lectora templates that are oriented to e-learning, rather than website development, since my hunch is that more of us are using Lectora to develop e-courses than to develop pages for websites!For example, in e-learning, the appropriate place for the navigation buttons is in the lower right, *not* the upper right. Also, it would be a lot more useful to have a "Menu" navigation button (that the developer could program to you bring up a table of contents screen so the user can quickly go to another page in the course, when necessary) than a "Home" navigation button (I mean, how often does a learner really need to be able to quickly go back to the first page?? That's such a website concept, *not* an e-course one, and a table of contents/menu page would allow them to do that, too, if they really need to.) Better yet, how about a few different types of common navigation buttons from which to choose for each template? (But please include "Menu" as an option...there isn't even one of those in the prefab button library!)I spend about 3-4 hours converting an out-of-the-box Lectora template interface into something I can actually use, and that's only for templates where that's even possible -- the way the graphical elements for some templates are knit together, it's not possible to move them around as a coherent whole (like moving a navigation bar from the top to the bottom).Anyone else frustrated by this?LauraP.S. I should qualify this post by saying that I haven't rechecked the templates since I upgraded to 2008, so it's possible that things have changed (although I was under the impression from the marketing materials that the only change to the templates was in making them available from within the Lectora interface and adding some descriptions in the template browser).

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