Forum for sharing bugs or "issues"

I'd love it if there were a separate forum here for folks to post any bugs or "issues" that they found, rather than having those posts buried in the "General" category. Of course, this wouldn't be in place of folks reporting those bugs/issues to Lectora; rather, they would serve more as a "heads up" to other users.

I'm still trying to decide whether to go ahead and install my upgrade to Lectora 12 -- early on, I know there were some problems (as is usually the case with any new version of most software these days), and I'm trying to decide what issues people are still having at this point, so I can decide whether it's time to finally make the leap. Seeing those types of posts could help me make that decision.

Also, having a forum like that might help avoid duplicate "complaints," as people could search within that forum to see if someone else has experienced the problem, too, before posting their own issues. Plus, it would be helpful place for Trivantis (or even just fellow users) to report when an issue has been fixed/resolved and/or when a user has found a good temporary work-around.

Discussion (2)

I agree! At the moment I'm having issues with the cancel test/survey and reset test/survey actions. When i have that action in a test and i upload my content to scorm, the page is all wrong and "non-interactive (plaintext)". Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Sounds like there is a JavaScript error on that page that is showing up incorrectly. Have you looked at the browser console to see what the error is, or contacted Customer Support?

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