"Reset all q's" Option Not 'Sticking'?!

Okay, I'm finding another problem that I think may be a bug...I'm using Lectora 2008 and just noticed that an action I've been using for a while all over the place isn't really "sticking" after I leave the Action Properties dialog box. Specifically, when I select "All questions on the page" as the target for a "Reset Question" action, close the Action Properties dialog box, and then reopen it, I find that the target has changed itself to just one of the questions on the page (on one of my pages, it was the first question on the page, but, on at least two others, it was the last question on the page). However, at this point, it doesn't seem to be resetting any of the questions...if I get to the end of the activity and click the Play Again button (which has a bit of javascript on it to reload the page) or if I go to the next page and use the back button to return to the activity page, the answers I put in last time persist (and, yes, I've tried clearing my cache before beginning the whole test).In experimenting to solve that problem, I also encountered something else weird going on that I haven't seen before. In doing a generic test of the problem I just mentioned, I put three multiple-choice questions on a page. If I don't have any reset question action on the page and I select an answer for each of them, go to the previous page, then reenter the page, ALL of the radio buttons (all three answer options for all three questions) display as selected! This is definitely something new...in the past, without a reset action, it would just re-show whichever single answers I had selected before (like it's doing now even when I *do* have the reset action).However, on a previous activity page (in the "real" course) with two fill-in-the-blank questions, although the action I originally set as a "reset all question on the page" action is only showing one of the questions as the target, it *is* still clearing out both blanks when I answer the questions, then go back and reenter the page.Can anyone else out there recreate any/all of these problems, or has my Lectora installation gotten corrupted somehow or something? If anyone else can replicate the problem(s), I'll report it/them to Trivantis as a bona fide bug(s).Between the funky action problem I reported on Thursday (which Ed at Trivantis is trying to help me work around, after confirming that something strange is going on) and the problem I'm posting, I'm getting really frustrated with Lectora for the first time in a long time! LauraEdited By: Tecocat on 2009-3-8 12:52:50

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