Printing Action Contents
November 17, 2008 12:00 AM
I'd like to be able print out all of the information related to the Actions in my course (including the contents of their General, Conditions, and Else tabs). When I'm trying to debug a complex activity I've created because somethings happening that I don't expect, it can be hard to find the offending bit of "code" if it's buried on an Else tab somewhere that I forget to check. The Debug mode is certainly helpful, but it only tells you what's happening, not what's causing it to happen. Being able to "flatten out" the information stored in an action so that it's more easily browsable would be a godsend! It would also help me to see how an activity I created two years ago worked, when I now want to create a similar new activity.I'm picturing a printout that's organized by page and then, within the page, it lists the contents of each of the page-level actions, then, for objects that have actions attached to them, lists the contents of each of the actions attached to that object.Would anyone else find this useful, too? Laura
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