Showing "Solved" Drag and Drop

I'd like to be able to have an "I Give Up" button that appears after a few incorrect tries that allows the user to see what the correctly solved drag-and-drop question would look like. Ideally, I'd like that button to cause the program to put the drop objects in their correct positions on the target graphic (rather than, say, create a graphic of the right answer that would overlay on the pageor appear in a pop-up box). (Actually, my really ideal ideal would be to be able to tell Lectora to place just four out of the five drop objects in their correct position, since I faked out a "correct" position for the fifth object so that I could have more objects than correct places, IYKWIM.)Is this possible? I guess what I'm looking for is the opposite of a "reset"'s a "complete" code. Of course, I'm under deadline here -- I need to have this fixed for a user-testing session on Friday, if at all possible.TIA for any help!!

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