Using Lectora as a Graphics Converter?

Okay, you graphics wonks out there -- is there any reason the following is a bad idea?:I'm making revisions to a course that another person created. He has some photographic-type graphics in the course that I think he probably brought in through copy and paste, since the graphic files are in .bmp format and have wonderful names like "Image 1015.bmp."The thing is, these graphics files are HUGE -- most between 2 and 3.5 MB. However, when I publish the course to HTML, the converted .jpg versions of these files are shrunk down to an adorable 5 - 7 KB. So, that got me to thinking.... Can I take the converted .jpg files and use those as the source image files instead of the original .bmp files? It would sure save a lot of room when I make backup zips of my source course files! The only downside I can see is that the images in the converted files are shrunk down dimensionally to the size that they appear as in the course, so, if I ever wanted to make them appear dimensionally bigger in the course, I'd have to go back to the original .bmp files (which are, in their default state, quite large in dimension). So, would it work to swap out those Lectora-created .jpgs for the orignal .bmps? If I did that and republished, would Lectora try to compress the .jpgs even more and further degrade the quality of the image? TIA for any thoughts about this!Laura

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