
Audio Editor Is Crashing with Some, But Not All, Audio Files!

When I was working on my e-course earlier, I needed to change the volume on one of my background audio clips and was happy to find out that I could do that right from within Lectora, by clicking the Edit button while I had that object selected in the tree. However, when I tried to do that with another clip, the audio editor starts to launch (it opens and you see the spinny thingie), but then abruptly closes itself (as opposed to with the first audio clip, when the audio editor opens, has the spinny thingie, then the spinny thingie goes away and the clip appears in the editor and is good to go). There is no error message or anything when the audio editor crashes -- it just shuts down and goes away.

I then tried opening the audio editor with another audio clip, and that one crashed the audio editor, too. I took a look in Windows Explorer to see whether the two files that crashed the audio editor had something easily identifiable in common, which the audio clip that worked in the audio editor didn't, but I couldn't find anything (see the image below).

So, why do some audio clips crash the editor and other work just fine? And, more importantly, what can I do to fix this?


You could also look into installing Audacity. It is a free, open source audio editing software that we use internally and it works magic.

I like to stay away from the baked in additional features of Lectora because the software is meant to create elearning content and they aren't focused on audio, video, or image editing.

Discussion (8)

@tecocat can you attach one or two of the mp3's that are having this problem?

@tecocat can you attach one or two of the mp3's that are having this problem?

@tasiala Sure! (Sorry - didn't get an email when you responded for some reason, so just noticed your response now. Thanks for any help with this!) I'll attach the smaller of the two that didn't work when I tested it.

(Ugg! Neither the document, nor the photo attachment options will accept an MP3 file format. I had to zip it up to get it to work. ?)

@tecocat thanks for the audio, I am seeing the same error. I'll open a ticket for dev to check this out. Did this audio come from our asset library, or from where?

Thanks! No, it came from, I believe. I have at least one other one in use in my course that's having the same problem (and maybe more...I didn't test all of them with the editor).

I appreciate your sending it the devs to look into this! :)

@tecocat thanks for the audio, I am seeing the same error. I'll open a ticket for dev to check this out. Did this audio come from our asset library, or from where?

You could also look into installing Audacity. It is a free, open source audio editing software that we use internally and it works magic.

I like to stay away from the baked in additional features of Lectora because the software is meant to create elearning content and they aren't focused on audio, video, or image editing.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. :)

I already have Audacity (and Adobe Audition, too), but, for reducing the volume on a clip, doing it from within Lectora is easier (when the audio edit isn't crashing), because I can make a change and test it as many times as necessary to get it to the right volume level, without having to keep reimporting new versions of the file, etc..


Laura G.

Developing e-learning since 1998, using a mixed bag of tools. ;)

@tasiala - Any news from the devs yet?

You could also look into installing Audacity. It is a free, open source audio editing software that we use internally and it works magic.

I like to stay away from the baked in additional features of Lectora because the software is meant to create elearning content and they aren't focused on audio, video, or image editing.

@tecocat I have ticket open, but I don't have any updates on this. I suggest you contact to support and open a support ticket, it'll get more attention coming from a customer. Sorry for the delay