Making Question Text Optional

Here's something simple I've wished for for a long time...I wish that inputting the question text in a question object was optional. For example, I often use FITB and drop-down MC questions within sentences in a paragraph of text (so that the learner has to type/choose the correct answers to correctly complete the sentences). The Question Wizard won't let me leave the Question field blank, so I end up having to type the old faithful "asdf" in that field, then delete the "asdf" text out of the resulting Question Text textbox on the page (and move the blank textbox to some out-of-the-way spot, so it won't interfere with any other objects). To make it even more of a pain, if I go back in to the wizard to edit the question for any reason, I have to do that little sequence all over again! (Well, not the moving the text box part, but...)I can't think of any reason why the question text needs to be mandatory and I'll bet that it wouldn't even be a really tough change to program. So how about including that enhancement in the next release, pleeeease?Laura

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