Join Us Online for the Aug. 19 New England Lectora Users Group Meeting

The New England Lectora Users Group (NELUG) is having our next quarterly online meeting on Wednesday, August 19, from 4-6pm ET. Check out our website ( to learn more about NELUG, join NELUG, see the agenda for the upcoming meeting, and register for it, if you're interested. Membership and meetings are free and you don't have to be from New England to join. (We have members from all over the country and even the world!)

If you register to join our group, you will NOT be deluged with email...usually just a couple close to the time of each quarterly meeting and maybe one or two sometime after the meeting.

Our group has been around and active for over 8 years -- come be a part of our gang!

(We also have started a private group on this Community forum, but you have to be a member of NELUG before you can join our private group here.)

Discussion (2)

Hi Laura,

Quick follow-up on your post to see how the meeting went. Would love to hear what was shared and discussed.

Many thanks!


Unfortunately, our presenter cancelled on us at the last minute, and, after polling the folks who registered to attend, I decided to cancel the meeting.


Hope you'll consider signing up as a member (look for "Become a Member" near the upper left corner at That way, you'll get notified when registration is open for our November 18 meeting!


(Oh, and you don't have to be from New England to join...we have members from across the country and even other countries!)

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