Should I change horses midstream or....

...wait until I get to the other side?Here's my situation... A while back, I began creating an e-course that would, in the end, contain five modules. Because of business-priority considerations, I ended up publishing the e-course with only three of the modules completed (they're fairly standalone) and placeholders for the remaining two modules.I think I'm now going to be able to resume work on the course and create another one of the modules. But here's my dilemma -- the file I created containing the original three modules was done in Lectora 2007. I now have Lectora 2008 installed, but I left my installation of 2007 intact for now, because I haven't given my other developers the go-ahead to install 2008 (which I expect to do very soon...I just wanted to do a little testing of the new version first). So, should I finish the rest of the e-course in 2007, or go ahead and "switch horses" and create the next module in 2008? (Of course I'll keep a backup of the original version in case of total disaster.) The one other thing I'll throw into the mix here, which may or may not make a bit a difference, is that we are currently publishing our e-courses to a really old version of CourseMill (although we'll be switching to a more full-fledged LMS within the next few months).So, any opinions?Laura

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